Britney's back! This time for good....hopefully

Harper's Bazaar June/July 2011
With three singles from her latest album on the Billboard Charts and a World tour kicking off this summer, Britney Spears has a lot to be proud of. Not only has her latest album received amazing reviews, she looks better then ever, and her hair has passed that god damn awful stage that it was going through.
While Britney's hair is not 100% her own its still a 1000% improvement from the extensions on her shaved hair back in 2007.

Four years down the line and Britney's bald head has transformed to beautiful blond lock, and in her most recent single " I wanna go" blond with vivid perfectly placed extensions.

Britney wore SHE by SO.CAP.USA’s extensive long hair extensions in several different bright colors. This line of extensions is available in Israel and I am dying to try them out and let
you know how they fare in comparison to great lengths.